Primitive Types
Here is a list of all the allowed properties:
- Line types
.segment -- joins the two endpoints
.ray -- from first point forever through second
.longline -- infinite line through the two points
- Line Widths
.width=2.0 -- (default is 1.0)
- Line styles
.solidline -- default
- Line marks
.line0slash -- default
- Polygon types
.outlinepoly -- default
- Point types
.circpoint -- default
- Angle types
.ring1 = 1 ring -- default
.ring2 = 2 rings
.ring3 = 3 rings
.slash1 = 1 ring with slash
.slash2 = 2 rings with slash
.slash3 = 3 rings with slash
.dslash1 = 1 ring with double slash
.dslash2 = 2 rings with double slash
.dslash3 = 3 rings with double slash
.right = right angle mark
.noangle = no angle mark
- Colors
.white = .c7 = white -- default
.black = .c0 = black
.red = .c1 = red
.green = .c2 = green
.yellow = .c3 = yellow
.blue = .c4 = blue
.magenta = .c5 = magenta
.cyan = .c6 = cyan
.invisible = .in = not normally drawn
.smear = color smears while point is dragged
.c8, .c9, ..., .c31 = additional colors
.blink = first blinking color
.blink1 = second blinking color
.blink2 = third blinking color
- Layers
.l0, .l1, ..., .l31 (note: lower-case 'L's)
.l0on, ..., .l31on -- all layers from this number on
.tol0, ..., .tol31 -- all layers up to the number
Example: .l7on = .l7, .l8, ..., .l31
- Display Value
- Stack commands
.add, .sub, .mul, .div, .mod, .neg,
.sin, .cos, .tan, .atan2, .abs, .exp,
.log, .rand, .dup, .clear, .pop, .roll,
.floor, .ceiling, .round, .truncate, .copy, .exch,
.eq, .ne, .lt, .le, .gt, .ge
- Names
Anything enclosed in double quotes. Example: "Celeste"