Why Geometer is not a Theorem Prover
When a diagram in Geometer appears to prove something, it may
convince us of the truth of that fact, but it is certainly
not a mathematical proof for many reasons:
- The drawing is only accurate to the resolution of your
computer screen which is far less accurate than 1/100
centimeter—even on the best monitors available today. Maybe the lines
just come close to meeting at a point—to within a billionth of
a millimeter, for example.
- You only tried a few thousand examples. Maybe you missed the
one bad one.
- The window on your computer screen is unlikely to be more than about
2000 pixels by 2000 pixels, and it's probably much smaller. What if
the theorem starts to fail for triangles that are long and
skinny—say 1,000,000 pixels long? (This reminds me of an
exchange that occurred 30 years ago in a logic class taught by Fred
Thompson at Caltech. A student was arguing with
him about linguistics and (foolishly) said something about "a random
English sentence". Professor Thompson said, "What do you mean by `a
random sentence'?" The student grabbed a history text and said,
"The fifteenth sentence on page 241 of this book." (or something
like that). Thompson replied, "How on earth can you call that a
random sentence? That book doesn't have even a single sentence with
more than a million words in it, and almost all sentences are longer
than that."